Our spot on Patreon where open-minded, curious changemakers (like you!) hang out
If the world feels a little bit sideways lately,
you're in the right place.
We're Kelly Sheets and Amy Birks, a couple of proud, self-proclaimed weirdos who LOVE to be curious about the world and why and how it works the way it does.
Constantly experimenting with our own human experiences and then comparing notes on our growth and results over the last eight years of our friendship, we've each been able to build lives and businesses of fulfillment, ease, and fun and feel more POWERFUL than we ever have.
We figured that our conversations might be useful - and perhaps a little entertaining - to others who are curious about how they could find those things for themselves, and maybe even make the world a little bit better while they're at it.
Since - in our weirdness - we've both opted out almost entirely of social media, Patreon seemed like an awesome (and safe) spot for us to share our insights and give people (like you!!) an opportunity to exchange a nominal fee so you can come along for the ride and take part in these conversations with us.
Fulfillment. Ease. Power. Fun :)
Sound good? Join us!
Our content will cover a diverse range of topics that effect both life and business.
It'll likely be a little bit different or more progressive than most of what you're hearing. And we'll definitely infuse our conversations with inclusivity, possibility, optimism, curiosity, and a feminist-leaning energy.
We're not for everybody! But we sure hope we're for you :)
Want more POWER, Ease, and Fulfillment?
Here’s What’s On the Inside of The Epic Experiment . . .
As an Epic Experimenter (and our new friend), you'll get access to:
* Recordings of our twice-monthly conversations on a totally diverse range of topics to help you move closer to fulfillment, ease, and POWER in your life and business
* Livestreams from each (or both) of us when we've got additional on-the-fly inspiration to share
* Other fun resources and tools that we'll share from time to time to give you more opportunities to be curious and experiment with this stuff in your own life
* Opportunities to be a part of the conversation and connect with our other awesome Patrons - more rad, curious changemakers like you - in this safe, rando-free community
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An Epic Sampler . . .
Free content from The Epic Experiment updated regularly, enjoy anytime!
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Want Better Results (at everything)? Pay Attention to This...
This clip from a longer conversation features one of my favorite Kelly-isms of all time.
It's beautifully simple - and insanely powerful at the same time.
If there were ONE thing you paid attention to in life - and ONE thing ONLY - this should be it.
Watch the clip to find out what it is...
And if you want to hear the rest of the convo, join us as a Patron! We've got lots of great content waiting for you on the other side...
The Hidden Pitfall That's Making You Less Efficient
"I'm so tired of creating content for social media - the effort required to create the stuff is exhausting, and the engagement isn't where I want it, but there's so much potential there that I have to do it, right?"
Holy wow - I can't tell you how often I hear statements like this from purpose-driven founders.
This one in particular came from a strategic growth client I started working with a few months ago.
She was exhausted from doing ALL-OF-THE-THINGS in her business and life.
As a single mom and founder of her successful and growing coaching business, even with a small but mighty team and a supportive, helpful boyfriend behind her, she's still carrying the world on her shoulders.
And because she's the sole breadwinner for herself and her girls, the pressure's on her to keep her company growing and succeeding.
All that pressure means she's working as hard as she can, doing every activity she can think of - or that past gurus, coaches, or "experts" have told her she "has to do to succeed" - to ensure the business can scale-up.
So she's tired.
And rightfully so!
I actually LOVE meeting founders when they're in this tricky place.
I mean, I don't love that they're feeling exhausted and frustrated about being at max capacity with epic potential to scale in front of them but no clue how they could manage it...
But I DO love that I get to very quickly start to lift the veil of possibility and show them all the ways they COULD scale by becoming more efficient and effective with their marketing strategies and sales activities.
And the first place I start with them is by shining a light on this hidden pitfall I mentioned in the title.
When my tired, single mama client connected this ONE dot, she started becoming more efficient and effective literally overnight.
And her results have started to skyrocket as a result.
She's getting more rest, and working smarter instead of harder, and the best part is that she's getting more profitable too.
And it all started by paying attention to this one little efficiency hack.
In this short video clip from a longer conversation, my best bud Kelly Sheets - a brilliant leadership coach - and I share more about this hidden pitfall, and how just paying attention to it can instantly make room for scaling.
Why am I not just telling you what the hidden pitfall is here?
Because there's more context to be had, and the ROI on the 4-minutes it'll take to watch it will pay you back exponentially, I promise.
If you want to catch the rest of the conversation, hop in as a Patron! We've got lots of great content just like this waiting for you on the other side...
📣 The Opposite of "Hustle" is NOT "Lazy" 📣
The other day, it was 70 degrees here in the Hudson River Valley in NY.
I'd had a couple of calls on the calendar, talking to some brilliant purpose driven founders but by around 1:00, my work day was essentially over.
I looked outside at the blue sky and thought, "I'm getting out there!" and started to put my sneakers on for a walk.
As I pulled my right shoe on, I suddenly heard this old familiar voice in my head...
I don't hear her often anymore, but occasionally she'll pop in and get noisy like she did that day.
As I laced up my sneak, she said to me:
"Uh, what are you doing?? You only worked for TWO HOURS today... where do you think you're going?? There MUST be more work for you to do... Let's go find it."
I'd started my "work day" at 11 as I typically do, so clearly the idea of ending at 1:00 seemed to trigger some old story inside of my brain.
This discomfort about "not working hard enough" has been stuck in there for as long as I can remember.
But over the years, as I've dismantled the complexities in my business model and simplified everything I do to the most efficient, effective, and FUN ways to scale-up my business, the judgment I've had about how hard I need to be working has lessened.
But I still hear that voice from time to time.
Trying to convince me that if I'm not #hustling then I must be LAZY.
(Maybe that feels familiar to you too?)
The truth is, it's not binary.
I opted out of #thehustle six years ago when I wrote my book, The Hustle-Free Business.
And in that time, I've built a thriving six-figure business that supports my family beautifully, and without having to work more than 12-15 hours / week.
I'm in no way lazy.
If I was, I couldn't produce the results that I do - for myself OR for my clients.
I'm just REALLY smart and strategic about how I work (and my clients become that way too.)
Because my TIME is waaaay too important to me to let work become an all-encompassing thing in my life.
Kelly and I had another curious conversation recently about the myth of hustle.
In this quick 6-minute clip, we get curious about:
- why hustle and hard work can be so addictive to entrepreneurs
- the one-word trap that instantly creates unnecessary work for us
- and what the antidote is to thinking that hard work is the only way to find fulfillment (I come in a little hot on this one, be warned!)
The longer convo can be found in our Patrons area, where we also share four suggestions for how to start to shift out of hustle mode for good.
Want more convos like these?
Click below to join us now - we promise it'll be fun... :)
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