[WR #12] Steal This Simple Lead Gen Tactic That WORKS

Every now and then I’ll be talking to an entrepreneur friend or client and they’ll say something like:

Man, a handful of warm leads would really change the game right now…”

When I hear that I get really, really excited.

Because I’ve got a tactic that I LOVE to share that works wonders to generate a bunch of qualified referrals fast.

It may be my most frequent tactical recommendation to make, in fact, because it’s so simple to execute, and it works so well.

Plus it feels good to use it, which is the ultimate litmus test for any strategy I use or recommend.

Below are the mechanics of this super simple, highly effective lead gen tactic so you can use it for yourself anytime you need a boost in leads.

The 50,000 foot gist:

  • What follows is an example of a messaging structure that you can use to generate qualified leads

  • Follow it and apply the unique details about your business, results, and ideal client- don't copy the example word-for-word, make it your own so it feels like you

  • Then share it anywhere you’d like that will get people’s attention like:

    • On social media

    • In an email to referral partners / colleagues / friends

    • As an alternative to your weekly newsletter to your list

  • Try not to deviate too much from the structure as it’s laid out - it works for three specific reasons:

1) You’re tapping into people’s innate desire to be helpful

We’re a helpful species, us humans. In this message, you’re starting by asking for help. People get excited to be useful and will lean in from the start because you’re leading off with, “hey, will ya help me, please?

2) You’re sharing an offer without pointing your finger at your prospects directly

Being on the receiving end of a marketing message often feels like we’re being pointed at by someone shouting at us to admit we’re having some terrible problem. Which means in order to opt-in for whatever they’re selling, we also have to admit we’re having that terrible problem. As humans, we don’t love to do that… So this message presents a more inviting way for people to say, “hey, this is something I need!” without feeling like they’ve been pointed and yelled at first.

3) You get to describe in detail exactly who you help and the results you’re getting without sounding boastful or marketingy

I think this one speaks for itself :)

Here’s an example of the message in action - this post right here generated me over $50,000 in new business alone.

Here are the components of the message - use the example above and framework below to make it your own:

1) Lead in with the ask, followed immediately with intrigue

In the example above, I said explicitly, “Friends, I’d love your help…” and followed with the intriguing statement, “I’ve got an EPIC, replicable process for filling events that’s KILLING it right now…” I knew that most of my audience was hosting events at that time and would lean in here - but again, without me having to point at them and say something marketingy like, “are you having trouble filling your events right now?”

2) Build credibility by sharing results

The very next thing I share are three specific bullets with super compelling results my clients had gotten using this strategy I was talking about. I hooked my readers’ attention with the ask for help and intrigue - these results kept them reading and made them even more interested in what else I had to say.

3) Describe who’s a great fit for the offering

Here’s where you get to describe in detail exactly who you’re looking to connect with. Be specific about pain points and where they are on the front end of the journey they’re going to go on with you. And for extra credit you can drop in more credibility points like I did above as subtext to each descriptor statement.

4) Make the ask

Keep it simple and open-ended. Rather than saying, “do you know anyone who needs this?” which gives people the option to say “no”, instead say “who do you know who sounds like this?” so their brains immediately start working to answer that question by recalling the names of people they know who need your help. Go further by requesting they comment or tag the people right there in the post if what you offer isn’t an embarrassing thing for them to admit to needing.

5) Infer an invite to the reader too

This is where this message gets super fun. Add something like “(maybe it’s even you?)” to the ask for referrals as a gentle opportunity to invite them to raise their own hands - again, without being pointed and yelled at.

A word of advice with this tactic…

Be certain your energy’s in the right place when you craft and share this message.

If you’re feeling in any way grabby, transactional, or needy, wait to try this.

This strategy - and aaaalll lead gen strategies for that matter - works best when you’re executing from a foundation of abundance and feeling unattached to any outcomes.

Write this message because you’re genuinely curious and excited about tapping into your community’s desire to be helpful to you.

And because you know that it would be super fun to help more people with the amazing thing you do with your business.

DON’T do it because you’re desperate for leads. That vibe will taint the whole thing and turn any results you may eeek out a wonky mess of yuck.

TLDR Summary:

If you need more warm leads right now, tap into your community’s innate drive to be helpful humans and craft an authentic, unique-to-you message to share that incorporates the following components:

1) Lead in with the ask, followed immediately with intrigue

2) Build credibility by sharing results

3) Describe who’s a great fit for the offering

4) Make the ask

5) Infer an invite to the reader too

And be in an abundant frame of mind when you write and share it - feeling needy or grabby? Wait to use this, for sure.

Try this out and please circle back and let me know how it works for you…

I love celebrating wins - and I’m pretty sure this’ll generate a few of those for you if you use it :)

See you on the other side…

Whenever you’re ready, there are three ways I can help you:

  1. Experience more ease, fulfillment, and POWER in life and business here.

  2. Simplify your growth-stage business model for scaling with the help of my outside perspective (and GPS Brain) by shooting me a message here

  3. Get daily tips, tricks, and hacks to help you scale your purposeful brand without sacrificing the important stuff by following me on LinkedIn here.  

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