[WR #06] Why I’m Back on Social Media After a Two Year Break

A little more than two years ago, in the late Spring of 2020, as I was watching the world’s reaction to the pandemic continue to unfold, I had a life-changing epiphany…

Social media is the absolute WORST.

At the time, I was noticing what a tremendous job social platforms like FB and IG were doing to help amplify fear within their members.

The divisiveness that was plaguing us was getting worse by the minute as we all leaned into our personal echo chambers, constantly confirming our biggest fears and nobelist biases.

And it continued to serve as the perfect vehicle to further isolate us from one another.

So in June of 2020, I made the edgy decision to walk away from social media altogether.

It was edgy not because I’d miss it so much…

And not because I’d started feeling like I was probably addicted to checking the apps all day every day…

It was edgy because I’d built my business by connecting with people and making friends on social media platforms.

Social media had been my primary business building strategy for 7 years - and it worked!

But I felt utterly compelled to leave it behind so I could not only reclaim my center and sanity in a crazy, mid-pandemic world…

But also because I simply didn’t want to participate anymore in something that is so diametrically opposed to my values.

What companies like Meta stand for - all the ways their actions and policies contradict what they claim their core purposes are, their complete disregard for personal privacy, how their executives say they’d never in a million years let their children interact on their own platforms because of how addictive and detrimental to our human experience they are… 

I just can’t.

And yet…

As of this week, I’m back on social media.

Back on the platforms I am certain are ruining humanity as we know it.

With that in mind, it seemed like a great opportunity to be transparent about WHY I’m back, and what my being “back” is going to actually look like.

First, the WHY…

I’ve been having some of the most AMAZING, life-changing experiences since I’ve been gone.

My personal and business growth has been unreal.

I’m experiencing more EASE, and I feel more POWERFUL and FULFILLED than I ever have.

My best bud Kelly Sheets and I are on similar journeys and have these rad conversations all the time as we unpack what’s working for each of us when it comes to how we continue to grow as humans and business owners.

And we keep saying, “Man, I wonder how the world might be different if more people had opportunities to get curious and experiment with this stuff too?

So a few months back we decided to start recording our epic conversations, thinking, “maybe we’ll share these with people someday?

Well, with the way the world keeps shifting lately, “today” suddenly feels a lot like “someday”.

And thus, The Epic Experiment was born. 

A space for the curious and willing to come hang out and hear (what we think are) insightful (and also a little weird and different) perspectives on how to create more ease, fulfillment, and power in life and business. 

As we made the decision to start sharing our conversations with others, it occurred to us both that something was missing…

If we really wanted people (you!) to find our content so it could help them (you!) to live more vibrant, fulfilling, powerful lives, we had to find a way to let them (YOU!) know it exists.

Which meant going where the people are.

Aka, back to social media…

Since Kelly made a similar exodus from social back around the same time I did, I decided to take one for the team and become the bullhorn for our Epic Experiment.

In full transparency, the only reason I’m back on social media is to lure YOU away from it. 

And I hope to all that’s good and holy that it works.

So back to social media I reluctantly go.

But this time with loads of curiosity, very clear intentions, and plenty of systems in place to keep me honest and out of the spiral of distraction these platforms are designed to lock us into.

While I may feel like this is a reluctant return, I’m actually pretty excited about it too.

I’m excited about how much more capacity for sharing having a team of smart marketers in my corner will create for us.

I’m excited about connecting with exponentially more humans than I have in what feels like a veeerrrry loooong time.

And I’m really (REALLY) excited about doing this differently - with authenticity, transparency, and a focus on true connection - and documenting what I’m learning along the way so I can share it all later down the road.

But what I’m most excited about is the potential.

The conversations Kelly and I are having inside The Epic Experiment are - well - EPIC.

We continue to be curious explorers, trying to crack the code on how to experience more EASE, FULFILLMENT, and POWER in life and business.

And every day our insights get more and more potent, as our experiences of life get more and more vibrant and fun.

I can’t wait to see what happens when more people (YOU!!) come along on the journey with us.

The potential for the world is immense when the curious ones - those driven by purpose and willing to get uncomfortable for the sake of growth - experience true freedom and power.

So follow along here - or on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram - as I share snippets of our Epic conversations, along with other value-add content, to help YOU experience more ease, fulfillment and power in every part of your life and business.

And if you’re already leaning in and want to check out The Epic Experiment, you can go here for more info now. 

See you on the other side…

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you:

  1. Experience more ease, fulfillment, and POWER in life and business here.

  2. Simplify your business model for scaling with the help of my outside perspective (and GPS Brain) by shooting me a message here

  3. Get daily tips, tricks, and hacks to help you scale your purposeful brand without sacrificing the important stuff by following me on LinkedIn here.  

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