[WR #04] The Hidden Efficiency Pitfall Your Purpose-Driven Brand is DEFINITELY Not Noticing

My best bud, leadership coach, Kelly Sheets and I have the BEST conversations.

We’re both endlessly curious about, well, everything, so we love diving deep and exploring topics all sorts of different things.

Most often, we end up talking about things that either hang us up, or that. we find fascinating about how others get hung up, in life or business.

Since our philosophies and approaches to circumventing these hangups tend to be a bit unique and uncommon, we thought it might be useful to share our conversations with a wider audience.

And thus, “What’s the Deal With…?” was born!

Today, I’m sharing our inaugural episode, where we explore the idea of VALUE.

In this video, we get curious about:

  • How do we (as humans in general) even decide what’s valuable? (Because we sure do give a lot of value - and power - to stuff that doesn’t matter at all, don’t we?)

  • What are the pitfalls and consequences to assigning too much value to things in life and business? (Spoiler alert: pitfalls include inefficiency, frustration, and zapped energy and power…)

  • How to notice when you’re assigning value where it doesn’t belong. (So you can instantly become more efficient and effective in everything you choose to focus on…)

  • How exploring what you value can make decision-making 1,000 times easier. (Yes, it’s okay to say “aaahhh” at the prospect of feeling this kind of relief!)

Watch the video to learn more, and to get some actionable tips for becoming more efficient with your decision making, and more present and powerful in life.

If you’re curious about how you might be able to:

  • Get more efficient so you can do more with less

  • Simplify your business model and make work more fun

  • Scale your purpose-driven brand - without having to sacrifice the stuff that’s important (like time, profitability, or more of your LIFE…)

Drop your info here and we’ll set up some time to chat ASAP.

Amy BirksComment