[WR #03] How to Balance Business Development With Delivery - Without Sacrificing Results

Tell me if this sounds at all familiar to you…

I was talking to a friend the other day about his purpose-driven business.

He was telling me about how they’re growing, what they’ve been focused on, and how he’s been struggling to find the right formula to let them REALLY scaleup.

This poor guy was tired, and more than a little bit frustrated because, while their results are awesome, they’re out of capacity to scale and know the potential is there to grow like crazy.

As he described all-of-the-things in their marketing plan and business development strategy, I started to feel overwhelmed FOR him.

And then, he said,

'“But what’s most frustrating is that we keep hitting these peaks and valleys with results. 

I go-go-go like crazy with the biz dev activities to try and generate more business…

…But then when all that new business hits, we’re under water trying to DELIVER so I have to let my foot off the gas with the business development stuff.

And then those projects end and we start the cycle all over again.

If I’m not dumping all my energy into GETTING new business, I’m dumping it into EXECUTING on the new business we get. 

It’s exhausting - I’m sure there’s a better way to do this, but I have no idea what it is yet…”

(Does this feel true for you too?)

Holy wow, I hear stories like this from purpose-driven founders ALL-THE-TIME.

So if this scenario does resonate with you, the good news is, you’re not alone!

And the better news is, there IS a solution :)

The reason so many purposeful founders end up in this biz dev / execution capacity conundrum comes down to the most common business growth pitfall I see:

Unnecessary complexity.

My friend - and most of the founders I talk to - tend to have a LOT of activities they’re leaning on to try and generate new business. 

With a gazillion “experts” and “competitors” out there in the market, it’s easy to watch what others are doing and think, “it’s working for them - clearly that’s what we need to be doing too.

Doing all-of-the-things doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get the results you want - unless maybe the results you want are to be tired and frustrated…

The reality is that every business is unique, as are the founders, their teams, their values, and their audience.

So the trick is to SIMPLIFY down to what works AND what aligns with your values so you can DO less and enjoy it more.

I know, I know - easier said than done.

But that’s only because you’re too close to it to see what else could be possible.

I’m hosting a workshop at the end of March to help a handful of purpose-driven founders in this exact place to simplify their business model and create a bespoke, focused, easy to execute strategy for scaling. 

If you know someone who may be in this same tricky predicament ( hey, maybe it’s you?) drop me a line using the form below - I’d love to connect and see if this workshop can help. 

In the meantime, for instant relief, take a look at your activities and ask yourself, “how can this be easier?

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